Sydney Timmerman

Sydney Timmerman

Student at Johns Hopkins University


Johns Hopkins University

B.S., Physics (in progress)

Relevant Research Experience

Perimeter Institute Summer Intern

Summer 2019, Mentor: Dr. William Donnelly, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Worked in a partnership to study entanglement entropy in gauge theories by numerically calculating it for 2D Yang-Mills in four independent ways, including through metropolis Monte Carlo simulations of a dual fermion model using C++.

Undergraduate Research Assistant

September 2018 - Present, Mentor: Dr. Yi Li, Johns Hopkins University Department of Physics and Astronomy

Studies algebraic topology in an effort to generalize the classification of stable topological phases based on group cohomology to include fragile topological phases by introducing relative group cohomology.

NSF REU Student

Summer 2018, Mentor: Dr. Eric Rowell, Texas A&M University Department of Mathematics

Researched the mathematics behind topological quantum computation as part of a National Science Foundation-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates. This was a collaborative effort where we spent every hour working together to teach each other and draw on our diverse backgrounds and skills sets. Together, we proved that integral metaplectic modular categories are group-theoretical and found the link invariant associated with one.
